JESUS said - I AM

1)JESUS declared HE IS GOD. JUST as GOD told Moses,(when Moses asked HIM HIS Name)"I AM", JESUS declared,"I AM". 2)JESUS made commands. I AM OBEYING HIM IN EVERYTHING! (with HIS help!!!)

Saturday, December 10, 2005


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Name: Binu

Marital Status: Single

Salvation Experience:

I was born July 5, 1982, into a non-Christian family in India. My father, being an alcoholic, spent all the money on drinking and never bothered for the family needs. As a child, I had to endure great difficulties and struggles and obviously there was no peace in my life.

One day, my father met with an evangelist and that servant of God shared about Jesus to my father. That was the beginning of God's work in the heart of my father, which eventually influenced the whole family. It so happened that after the retirement dad was at home and during one of those days an evangelist came to our home and handed over a Gospel tract to my father. Being attracted to the message of the tract and to know more about Jesus, he began to attend the nearby church, where through the systematic study of the Word, my father received Jesus as his personal Savior and made a public testimony of his faith.

I considered Christianity as a religion of by gone colonial power, who brought it to India for their own benefit, so I opposed my father becoming a Christian. My inner eyes were subsequently opened to my foolishness of ignoring the love of Jesus as one day a Bible woman taught me the truth and convinced me that only Christianity offers hope. She prayed for me at that very moment. With a prayer of repentance, I received Jesus as my personal Savior and later made a public testimony of my faith.

My life was completely transformed, and I found a new freshness in my life. The Lord burdened my heart for the souls perishing, as I waited on Him. Considering this as a call and to equip myself for the same I joined Bible school.

Present Ministry:

To reach the unreached in the non-Christian villages of India, I labor as a Bible woman. I am actively involved in literature distribution, work with children, house visitation and work with women.

Please pray for me that I may fulfill God's plan to expand His kingdom.

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