JESUS said - I AM

1)JESUS declared HE IS GOD. JUST as GOD told Moses,(when Moses asked HIM HIS Name)"I AM", JESUS declared,"I AM". 2)JESUS made commands. I AM OBEYING HIM IN EVERYTHING! (with HIS help!!!)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

JOSUÉ is the Real SUPERHERO in this picture. HE is a Child of GOD ALMIGHTY and will rule forever with JESUS CHRIST!


Blogger JESUSisLORD said...

Thanks for speaking up, Todd!
It surely is NOT that way~but now that you mention it, I can understand why you would think so. JESUS is GOD come down to earth (Immanuel) to be SAVIOUR and LORD to any who will accept HIS offer to come to HIM by being sorry for the things they have done wrong & want & decide to change~asking JESUS to change them. JESUS said HE would turn noone away~& all that call on HIM shall be saved. The amazingly fantastic thing about it is, HE gives us a NEW life in HIM~we are born all over again in the SPIRIT! All the old, bad, evil ways are passed away and we are made new. IF we continue living as THE HOLY(pure & good)SPIRIT leads us to, then we will overcome the evil things in our lives (ex. bad desires to do bad things...).AND JESUS said, They who perservere til the end and overcome will be given a 'CROWN of LIFE'. HE will say to HIS faithful followers on Judgement day,"You have been faithful over that which is least, now you shall be ruler over much!"
amazing offer!and CHALLENGE!
Are you going to accept it?
Do you think you are up to it?
Don't fear! JESUS will be with you ALL THE WAY!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Come again anytime!

6:06 PM  

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