JESUS said - I AM

1)JESUS declared HE IS GOD. JUST as GOD told Moses,(when Moses asked HIM HIS Name)"I AM", JESUS declared,"I AM". 2)JESUS made commands. I AM OBEYING HIM IN EVERYTHING! (with HIS help!!!)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

That's My King - Dr. SM Lockridge

Is it possible to fully describe Jesus Christ, our King? As many words as we have in the English language, there are still not enough to adequately describe the character and goodness of Jesus Christ, our loving Lord and Savior.

However, one of the best attempts ever made to describe our King came from a wonderful preacher, Dr. S.M. Lockridge. This short video, which combines Dr. Lockridge’s eloquent and powerful words along with classic images of Jesus Christ, will strongly touch believers and non-believers alike.


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