JESUS said - I AM

1)JESUS declared HE IS GOD. JUST as GOD told Moses,(when Moses asked HIM HIS Name)"I AM", JESUS declared,"I AM". 2)JESUS made commands. I AM OBEYING HIM IN EVERYTHING! (with HIS help!!!)

Monday, September 26, 2005

Beautiful Pictures of JESUS CHRIST

Beautiful Pictures of JESUS CHRIST

The Lord's Supper


You know, Many People Have Seen JESUS.

Many have died, then been resurrected....they have seen JESUS.

Many others, in times of great sufferings, (as in when a child looses BOTH parents) have seen JESUS.

Others, in GOD's own choosing have been shown heaven. (wish it happened to me!)

........and they have seen HIM as well.

So, I am pretty confident that all the pictures of JESUS pretty much can be relied upon as to be more or less.....right on.

However, a picture IS just a picture.



Once some of my Christian family in Mexico wanted me to destroy all the pictures I had of JESUS in my home.

Can you imagine that?

I said, I have pictures of all my loved ones - family and friends......and I'm not getting rid of any of them.

It's not like I pray to the pictures! (for goodness' sake!)

yeshuaessenor at 11:36:05 PM EDT (Link to this entry)
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Saturday, September 17, 2005


Sunday, September 11, 2005


Will HE Say,"Well Done, MY Faithful Servant?"

Picture from Hometown

or..."Depart from ME, for I never knew you?"

Sunday, September 04, 2005



Nevertheless, getting back to this, the devil is too wise to try to destroy the Bible. He knows he can't. He can't destroy the Word of God. But he can do a lot of things to try to supplant it, or to corrupt it in the minds and hearts of God's people.

Now he can only do it in one of two ways: either by adding to the Scriptures or by subtracting from the Scriptures. And you mark it down in your little red book: He's too wise to add to because those who have been in the Word for a long time would say, "Wait a minute; this is not in the Bible." So he subtracts from it. The deletions are absolutely frightening.

For instance, there are in the revisions (1881 and 1901), so we are told 5337 deletions, subtractions if you please. And here is the way it is done. It is done so subtly that very few would discover it. For instance, in the New American standard we are told that 16 times the word "Christ" is gone. When you are reading through you perhaps wouldn't miss many of them. Some you might. And 10 or 12 times the word "Lord" is gone. For instance, if you were in a church when the pastor is speaking on the words of the Lord Jesus in his temptation, "Get thee behind me, Satan," if you have a New American Standard you wouldn't even find it. It's not even in there. And there are so many such deletions.

So this is done in order to get around it and further blind the minds and hearts of people, even though it may be done conscientiously. There isn't any worse kind of error than to have conscientious error. If you are conscientiously wrong it's a terrible situation to be in.

Nevertheless, when there is an omission that might be observed, they put in the margin, "Not in the oldest manuscripts." But they don't tell you what those oldest manuscripts are. What oldest manuscripts? Or they say, "Not in the best manuscripts." What are the best manuscripts? They don't tell you. You see how subtle that is? The average man sees a little note in the margin which says "not in the better manuscripts" and he takes for granted they are scholars and they must know, and then he goes on. That's how easily one can be deceived.


This is just a small exerpt. To read the message in its entirity:

From the NASV to the KJV <<CLICK

by Dr. Frank Logsdon. The incredible testimony of Frank Logsdon, who helped lay the groundwork for the New American Standard Version (NASV). He actually wrote the Foreword to the NASV. Dr. Logsdon later said of the NASV, ". . . it's wrong; it's terribly wrong; it's frightfully wrong;. . ." Read his amazing discovery. Some very good material on the fallacies of the modern versions.


must reading:

  • Westcott and Hort's Magic Marker Binge (1/2), (2/2)
    Would you take a magic marker to your Bible and cross out words from passages? This chart illustrates what was done when the text used by Christianity for 1800 years was replaced with a text assembled by Westcott and Hort in the nineteenth century and now serves as the basis for nearly all modern New Testament translations.

  • Various contradictions and omissions
    A table-style view of some differences between Bible versions including verses that are indisputably contradictory.

  • Bible Versions and the Preeminence of Christ
    A table-style view of how our Lord is addressed in different Bible versions.