JESUS said - I AM

1)JESUS declared HE IS GOD. JUST as GOD told Moses,(when Moses asked HIM HIS Name)"I AM", JESUS declared,"I AM". 2)JESUS made commands. I AM OBEYING HIM IN EVERYTHING! (with HIS help!!!)

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Denny Kenaston

The Remnant Magazine <--click to read more

There is a powerful anointed church in China. She is a beautiful bride prepared and waiting for her Bridegroom. I have read short accounts ofGod's testimony on the other side of the globe and been deeply challenged by their lives. Recently, at our Youth Bible School, we hadthe privilege of hearing a detailed account of many of their lives. Two men closely connected with the persecuted church in China shared theirstory. When the meeting was over, I sat and interviewed these two men, asking them specific questions which I felt would help us American Christians get a vision.

This article is an account of that interview:

Bro Denny: When I was listening to you, I wrote a few questions that Ihad wanted to ask you. One is about fasting and prayer. How much do thepeople fast and pray in the house churches of China?
Bro Ren: Let us take prayer first. The leaders of the church in Chinatry to pray three to four hours a day. That is normal. But then thereare some brethren who are totally committed to pray. Almost every minutethey are awake, they are praying. They cannot even be elders in thechurch because of the amount of time they spend in prayer. They have twokinds of leaders in the church. They have spiritual leaders, who fastand pray; then they have practical operational leaders, who are activein everyday affairs of the church. The praying leaders are praying forthe whole church, and especially for the practical leaders. They are notin a preaching ministry. The operational leaders go to them fordirection and wisdom. Very few Westerners have ever met these elders.These men are older men who cannot travel anymore, so they are mainly inthat ministry. It literally keeps the church on track. They hear fromthe Lord and give answers to the practical leaders.
Bro Paul: I know a brother who never sleeps more than two hours a night.He prays for 22 hours a day. The brothers and sisters pray always, andthere are many all-night prayer vigils. I have been to some of theseprayer meetings. By morning, the floor is slippery because of all thetears that flow during prayer.
Bro Denny: What about fasting? What part does fasting play in all thesetestimonies we have heard?
Bro Ren: There are two kinds of fasting in China. Most of the pastorshave to fast because they don't have money to buy food. It is a naturalpart of their lives. The other kind of fasting is out of a burden forsomeone or some spiritual issue. When you read from Brother Yun's book,you will read how he fasted one hundred days to get one Bible during theCold War revolution. He was eating a small bowl of rice each day; thatis all. That means there was no time that he wasn't fasting. After onehundred days of prayer and fasting, he received a Bible in asupernatural way. That story is there. It is not in anyway special. Thepeople fast like that often.The first time we sent about twenty people out to preach, nineteen ofthem were arrested; one came back to report. Everyone else was detainedfor six months. We sent another group. The same thing happened. One ladycame home on a stretcher. They smashed her skull. She was paralyzed, butlater God restored her. When there is such resistance like this in onespecific location, then the whole team goes to fasting and praying.Usually this kind of fasting will break the yoke within thirty days, andthen the gospel has free course. When there is a real resistance, theteams do not try to push the gospel. They just go on their knees andwait on the Lord to hear His voice for direction on what to do. Theyjust keep silent and continue to fast and pray. This is a very practicalpart of their lives.
Bro Denny: Do they ......

The Remnant Magazine <--click to read more

Tuesday, March 21, 2006



Dearest Friends,

I just found this wonderful book, it is filled with truths


and I just had to share it with you.

click on the article to read the book online (the 1st 2 chapters)


Because of unbelief, in the Church, she has failed
in her highest purpose: to glorify Christ.

The spiritual power,the gifts of the Spirit, and the emblem for which the
Church stands are centuries behind in progress.

We believe Jesus gave the answer to this problem when He was questioned.

Why did they not have power to do certain things?

Jesus gave to them a very simple answer. "BECAUSE OF YOUR UNBELIEF."


He even gave such simple directions that a simple formula was laid out
for them for a faith pattern. This would insure and guarantee certain victory,
when followed.

Jesus said: "This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting" (Matt. 17:21).

We find that all churches in the New Testament times did follow these teachings
and there likewise were demonstrated signs, miracles and wonders.

Acts 14:23:
" every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended
them to the Lord, on whom they believed

For three hundred hears the early church had tremendous power with God.
This was continued the same length of time that they fasted and prayed.

When the church left off doing these duties, she went into the Dark Ages.
Fasting and prayer in Martin Luther's time caused the church to emerge
from her darkest hour. The reformations that later came about, were born
in fasting and prayer. Unbelief was driven away.

There has never been a time in the history of Christian religion that was
more important than the present. Many deep spiritual saints of God are at
this time seeking Christ in major fastings. A great and mighty travail prayer
is going up before the throne of God. Prayers are being answered and
multitudes are again receiving great and mighty spiritual gifts of the
Holy Spirit.